40 Days With the Holy Spirit

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AM Series Outline @ ACC, NLCC, TCCF, FCC

Sunday February 13th
Title: Explaining the Trinity
The Big Idea:
What relationship does the Holy Spirit have with the Father and the Son in the Godhead?

Sunday February 20th
Title: The Work of Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
The Big Idea: 
A careful scan of the Bible reveals the Holy Spirit’s prominence and activity in the Old Testament leading up to the arrival of Jesus.

Sunday February 27th
Title: Jesus’ Relationship with the Holy Spirit
The Big Idea:  
It was essential for Jesus to be equipped with the enabling power of the Spirit to fulfil the purpose for which He was sent.

Sunday March 6th
Title: The Promise of the Holy Spirit
The Big Idea:  
The prophets and John the Baptist envisaged one day there would be a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit, linked with the appearing of Jesus.

Sunday March 13th
Title: What is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
The Big Idea:  
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a gift to us. It’s up to us to receive the gift of the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

Sunday March 20th
Title: Is Speaking in Tongues Relevant for Today
The Big Idea: 
The revival in the Early Church was the belief that speaking with unknown tongues is the initial evidence of a person being filled with the Holy Spirit.

PM Series Outline @ ACC, NLCC, TCCF, FCC

Sunday February 13th
Attributes of the Holy Spirit – GUIDANCE

Sunday February 20th
Attributes of the Holy Spirit – COMFORTS

Sunday February 27th
Attributes of the Holy Spirit – REAVELS

Sunday March 6th
Attributes of the Holy Spirit – CONVICTS

Sunday March 13th
Attributes of the Holy Spirit – EMPOWERS

Sunday March 20th
Praise and Prayer Night