Who are we?

We are a city based Charismatic or Pentecostal Local Church with a wonderful group of people who are vibrant in their faith, who love God and love people.


Where are we?

We are easily found at 27 Sturt Street, Adelaide – just west of King William Street.  There is plenty of parking Sundays.  We are also well connected by public transport.  From the Adelaide Railway Station you can hop on a tram which will take you cost free to the City South Tram Stop where you have a short walk to our facilities.

Adelaide Christian Centre

27 Sturt Street, Adelaide SA 5000
08 8212 2322

Sunday Mornings?

Each Sunday at 10.00am we gather for our ‘Celebration Service’ in the auditorium. This comprises an inspiring time of music and song, the celebration of what Jesus Christ has done for us (we call this communion), some stories of what God has been doing in peoples lives and a time of instruction from the word of God.  At the same time we run a children’s program for various age groups (click here for more info).  Our kids program take place in our Hall and there is a check-in process for our child safe Kids space!

We conclude our worship and teaching time at around 11.30am with tea and coffee.


Other things we do on Sundays?

Have a look at our Calendar or Events link to find more about our upcoming activities.

Sunday Prayer

From 9.30am, a group gathers in the Front Lounge for a time of prayer before the service.  These times include prayer of thanks and praise to our Lord, for our service and for our Church and the community around us.

Why all the Singing, Praise and Worship?

We sing songs of praise as instructed in many places through the Bible. We do so with enthusiasm, passion and adoration. It is an expression of our thanks to God for the new life that He has given to us. We often become deeply moved by the Spirit of God during our times of worship as we experience the presence of the Living God.


What is the ‘Lord’s Table’?

We celebrate the Lord’s Table or the Communion Service as Jesus Christ instructed us. Each week we remember again the depth and power of God’s love for us. God gave His one and only Son to take the punishment for our sin and wrong doing. Jesus Christ became sin with our sin in order that we might have a right relationship with God through His sacrificial death. He rose from the dead triumphantly to give us new life. This is the great foundation of the Christian faith. Every believer in Jesus Christ is welcome to celebrate the Lord’s Table with us.


What are the Spiritual Gifts?

We often allow time in our service for the Holy Spirit to speak to us through the ‘Gifts of the Holy Spirit’ to encourage, comfort and strengthen us. The Holy Spirit clearly impresses His message upon a believer in the form of an inspired message (prophecy), a message in another language with the interpretation (tongues and interpretation) and other similar messages.

Although these messages may sound unusual, they are normal practice for Christians who understand the person and work of the Holy Spirit. These times often involve praying for our city, our nation and special needs that people may have. If you have a special prayer request, please note the details on a Prayer Request Card and give it to one of the ushers.

What about offerings of Money?

The giving of our money to God in ‘tithes and offerings’ is a normal part of our worship to God. As Christians we have discovered the amazing principles of economics clearly taught in the Bible and how God provides abundantly as we apply these incredible truths. Giving can be made online and with a credit card.  So, we gladly give our finance each week as a part of our worship to God. If you are a guest, please do not feel obligated to give any money during the offering time.