Our Commitment to the Community
We believe that this church was built on Christian values, offering help and support to all those in need regardless of religious background. These actions, whether great or small, allow us to feel the happiness of connecting with our brothers and sisters and remind us that God often allows us to be the answer to someone else’s prayers.
Adelaide City Care
This is a special department of our Church set up to assist those in special need including:
- Crisis care and crisis counseling.
- Assisting New Arrivals to settle into our community.
- Practical assistance in basic human needs.
New Arrivals Dinner
Our desire is to assist those who have recently arrived in Australia as a migrant, student, skilled worker, refugee or in some other category. We want to do all we can to help you understand our wonderful city, our culture and customs. This complimentary New Arrivals Welcome Dinner will enable you to make new friends, to find out more about your new home and to find out how we can assist you.
Food and Fun Nights are held on Saturday once per term. After enjoying a light shared meal, we gather together inviting people to join in some activities.
The Mainly Music Team at Adelaide Christian Centre invite you and your toddler to join our group.
Mainly Music has a session at 10am on Wednesdays.
This program provides free conversational English lessons to new arrivals, as speaking English the Aussie way is possibly one of the most significant challenges for new migrants.